Why best of breed vendor solutions are a better choice for mid-market companies
Why best of breed vendor solutions are a better choice for most mid-market companies. What is a ‘best of breed vendor solution’ and ‘what is a single vendor solution’? Traditionally software was an expensive investment that only large corporations could really make. Back in the day when software was shipped out in a pile of […]
3 tips for managing a remote workforce
Essential tips to help managing a remote workforce As business increasingly expanding across the globe, teams are dispersed across cities, time zones and continents. Thanks to changes in technology the concept of a fully or partially remote workforce is more common than ever. However, managing people remotely can seem like a completely different challenge than […]
What is BYOD all about, and what does it mean for your company?
We reported in our HR and business outlook for 2018 the increased emergence, reliance on bring your own device (BYOD) BYOD is the policy and acceptance of allowing employees to bring and use their own IT devices (typically phone, tablet, PC/Laptop) for work use. Recent research has found its use has grown rapidly in high […]
Filling in an application form correctly
How to fill in application form the right way An application form is often the first and most difficult stage of landing yourself a new job. It has becoming increasingly common trend in the job market for companies to ask applicants to fill in an application form rather than submitting a more general CV. While […]
Social Media – Asset, Liability or a Fact of Life
Social Media, is it an Asset, Liability of just a Fact of Modern Life? It depends who you ask and also how it is managed. Managers may see it as a time-waster but many employees view it as a necessary way of networking their customers, colleagues and a way to express their views. From the […]