What is BYOD all about, and what does it mean for your company?
We reported in our HR and business outlook for 2018 the increased emergence, reliance on bring your own device (BYOD) BYOD is the policy and acceptance of allowing employees to bring and use their own IT devices (typically phone, tablet, PC/Laptop) for work use. Recent research has found its use has grown rapidly in high […]
Workplace Internet Monitoring – will it reduce waste, or is it futile fight & privacy battleground?
Most of us would be hard pressed to deny use of use employer provided internet access and paid time for personal use. In fact a survey by salary.com in 2012 found that over 64% of employees use employer provided internet access for personal use at some point each day. Most employees 68% spent less than […]
Social Media – Asset, Liability or a Fact of Life
Social Media, is it an Asset, Liability of just a Fact of Modern Life? It depends who you ask and also how it is managed. Managers may see it as a time-waster but many employees view it as a necessary way of networking their customers, colleagues and a way to express their views. From the […]