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Interviews are still the most critical part of the hiring process. It helps to confirm skills, check for personality and job match and past employment history to ensure you make the right hire.

Making a bad hire decision can have a considerable cost and not just in salary, customer problems, training time, time cost to rehire are just a few. So taking time to know the type applicant your after, what your going to ask/assess and how you will structure the interview will save time and money.

To help determine what key skills your answers should target, it is often useful to check an employer’s website. In the ‘about’ section of the homepage you can often find hidden gems to include in your answers. You’ll often see the values and qualities that a company looks for in its employees, by targeting these values directly within your answers, you are giving the application form markers exactly what they are looking for.

In most cases the hiring manager will need to conduct or be heavily involved in the interview. However many managers don’t know how to conduct an interview well, or don’t have the experience and confidence to do. To help we have put together some common tips and hints to make your interview process successful.

First and foremost be prepared. Create an agenda in advance and create an expected structure for the interview, including some target time limits. Aim to get feedback from staff, peers and HR to develop a suitable set of questions and topics.

Common questions and areas should cover:

  1. Fact Checking
  2. Creative or broad market / knowledge questions
  3. Problem solving questions / tasks or assessments
  4. Behavioural interview questions

Fact Checking in the interview is likely the main chance you will get to query skills, knowledge and previous work history. It’s often good to ask more detailed questions about previous experience.

Fact checking sample questions

Creative or broad market / industry questions help get insight into the applicants understanding of their industry changes, news and trends.

Creative / broad market sample questions

Problem solving questions or tasks/quick tests are a great way to evaluate the candidate and understand how they could add value and perform in the role. For technical roles asking some specific technical questions or short test is a great way to confirm applicant skills. Role playing is also a great way to gain insight for management roles.

Problem solving / task / quick test sample questions

Behavioural interview questions are often seen as the most important interview question as your past behaviour is one of the best indicators on how you will perform in the future.

Behavioural sample questions

General Interview Tips!