There is a great article just posted recently on on Linked in by David Kerpen “17 Things You Should Never Say to Your Boss”. It outlines some thoughts from new age CEO’s on leadership, honesty, hiring qualities they look for in employees. It also highlights the importance of honesty, openness for productive workplace and a healthy workplace culture.

Well worth a read for employee, managers and Human Resource (HR) employees.
I’m not sure what this google employee was trying to prove. The quote from the article could indicate the anonymous person may already be an ex-employee.
‘I Agree to Disagree’
“Whether it is said explicitly or passive-aggressively, this mindset has no place in startup culture. Those who have this mindset should either found their own startups or go work in big corporate America where this goes unnoticed. At a startup, you’re either all the way in or all the way out.”